Sunday, February 27, 2011

Catching up to the present.

I started Brooks this January, tn to start he first class I took was a basic intro to photography and basic business. The photo class was technical and limiting, this was an ordeal for me. I want to start indepth assignments right of the start. So I often choose photos for content over composition and was therefore criticized for not following directions. This is true, I don't. I did however meet every deadline. Anyways I passed with a B. Right now I am in the middle of a one week break and soon I will start a intro lighting class. I don't know what to expect, but I know it consists of lights, light metering and BDE. I could look at the syllabus, but I prefer to be surprised.

Okay lets look at some pictures.

So these are a few images from the last eight weeks which we're a result of assignments with deadlines.